This product was developed to react with free ammonia and eliminate it from your lake! It quickly removes ammonia from the water, with effects visible in just a few hours. We recommend its use during peak ammonia levels or when the water shows milky foam. It should be added to the lake during partial water changes and whenever test values indicate levels above 0.25 ppm.
Not sure which equipment is best for your lake? Contact us, and we'll help you out.
For spare parts, assembly, and maintenance, count on us! Call +55 11 2021-2372 or email [email protected].
- Rapidly eliminates toxic ammonia from lake water.
- Safe for fish, plants, and lake biology.
- 5ml treats every 38 liters of water.
- 1 liter of Amônia Free treats 7600 liters of water.
*Images are for illustrative purposes and may not accurately represent reality.*
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