The diffuser tubes are the perfect combination of diffusers with low quality water with high contents of suspended solids with earth, mud, feed rest, sludge, etc. These are products that do not clog, even when turned off and in the massive presence of earth and other thick dirt, great for sewage treatment and excavated tanks for fish and shrimp.
The fine bubble tube diffuser for wastewater treatment, aquaculture and aquarism can be connected individually or in pairs.
Membranes are made from premium quality EPDM material and are available with fine or coarse perforation. The tubes are supported (ABS or PVC material) and can be reused when membranes are replaced.
TYPE: Fine Micro Bubble
BASE: Prolypropylene, with protection against UV rays;
MEMBRANE: EPDM rubber with UV protection
An innovative and revolutionary product, produced entirely in plastic material added to the Microbubble Aerator.
Simple assembly, without the need for any screws, clamps, or even a specific tool, designed so that the parts fit perfectly.
No wires getting into tanks or lakes, spilling oil or grease, contaminating water and animals.
Very important for the producer in the field or in the laboratory, because wasting time is wasting money.
Low Maintenance
This product will provide the shrimp or fish breeder, both in the laboratory stages with the farms and fingerlings, and in the fattening in the lakes, ease of assembly, low maintenance, feed savings, greater weight gain, greater profitability.
It proved to be highly efficient, in tests carried out in 3-hectare tanks, where surface blade aerators are used, which reach a maximum of 65%, and it is necessary to touch them 24hp, and the Aerador Brasil `Piscis microbubbles, reached a much higher value of oxygenation only with a load of 15Hp for the same 03 hectares. In addition to considerably increasing oxygenation, tests have proven that in the same period of 40 days required to fatten shrimp with a commercial size of 4gr, with our aerator, the shrimp reached an average size of 6gr.
Economy and Profitability
The producer will gain an incomparable value in the final product, as he will obtain a fantastic reduction, so necessary these days, with electricity, with feed, with maintenance, with the time necessary for fattening, but mainly having his product placed on the market in the shortest possible time, increasing its profitability.
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