Having difficulties in harvesting your production, and the nets you use always pierce or break? Brasil Piscis has been presenting the best performance in removing its fish from the production system with lower losses, greater use of labor, in addition to having high durability and practicality when harvesting the production.
If you need help sizing the best net for your system, count on our team of zootechnicians! (11)2021-5593 / (11)94704-4219 Nextel (Whatsapp) / [email protected]
Detailed Description
-210/24 thread fishing net
-15mm knot-to-knot
-2.10m high
-Net made of knotless Nylon so as not to hurt the fish
-Lead built into the bottom of the net so that fish do not go under or lift
-Navy blue nets
-large styrofoam buoy and twisted wire in the 1mm loop,
Network Sizing
The following products, as they are manufactured by ecomenda, have a maximum period of up to 5 days, and can be ready before this deadline: net tanks, fishing and trawling nets, anti-bird nets.
Factory warranty against manufacturing defects, not guaranteeing misuse or installation.
Images are merely illustrative and may not represent reality.