Ozone (O3), known as active oxygen, is a natural gas and protects living beings, like a filter, from harmful solar rays. It is a powerful bactericide, algaecide, fungicide and viricide, in addition to being recognized as the safest and most effective water treatment method in the world, with applications in industries, fish farms, lakes, swimming pools, municipal waters, medicine and dentistry, among others. .
Microorganisms do not develop resistance to ozone as they do to antibiotics in general, ensuring the efficiency of the process in the long term. Ozone is produced on site, from ambient air. Its generation is automatic, with an energy cost lower than a residential lamp. The use of ozone is safe, according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which considers it safe for use in water and food, giving it the “GRAS” (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating. ABWA (American Bottled Water Association) recommends the use of ozone in the process of producing drinking water. In Europe, ozone has been commonly used in mineral or table water for years.
When applied to ornamental lakes, ozone ensures that the water has unparalleled transparency, leaving your lake much more beautiful and cleaner.
To enhance the effect of ozone, we recommend installing UV Cubes at your outlet so that you can generate Hydroxyl, which is much more oxidizing than ozone itself.
Factory warranty against manufacturing defects, not guaranteeing misuse or installation.
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